28min #19

This was the 7min preparation for this blog post so it is titled 7min PICTURE #9 DataToken1 

Typo: veiwing (viewing). This typo was done because Paint doesn't have auto correct was done and edited in real time (3.5min) (28min)...

Quote Media Inc. (QMCI) Referral

      Hope all is well with Y'all. The other day I wrote a 56min email to the product and data sales department of QMCI over at https://www.quotemedia.com/contact with the intent to liven up the mood and use the 12 years of writing lessons that LAUSD produced when I was forced to go learn about diction. 

    I just changed the font style, color, and size to get some type of writing going. To be honest wit Y'all I'd rather be playing video games right now instead of writing this. It feels like it would pay off. If you would like to play video games that pay bitcoin use this link:  http://www.bitcoingameapps.com/track.php?ref=6721858 

     I just got a call from my mother. When was the last time you talked to your mom? 
